
The Woburn Public Library Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization and as such all gifts made to it are tax deductible to the limit allowed by law. The Foundation’s tax ID number is 46-2946284. Gifts may be made using cash, stock, real estate, tangible personal property or some other asset.

Choose one or more of the options below to make your gift

Online Donations

Online One-Time Donations

Make a safe and secure online cash or credit donation.

Online Donations

Online Recurring Donations

Make a safe and secure online cash or credit donation.

Mail Donations

Mail-In Donations

Make check payable to the Woburn Public Library Foundation, Inc. and mail to the Foundation at 7 Winn Street, Woburn, MA 01801.

Adopt a Gargoyle

Leave a Legacy

Be a part of Woburn’s history. Leave a legacy in your community for the Woburn Public Library.

Make a pledge

Make a pledge

Join those contributing to the 500 for 500 Campaign by pledging over a 4 year period of time $500 or more toward the renovation and expansion.

Honor Roll

Memorial Gifts